Combs High Dance
* Move * Create* Inspire *
Donate to Combs High Dance
Want to show your support to CHS Dance? Here are three ways you can choose to support your dancers:
Donate to the Dance Parent Boosters
Our Dance Parent Booster club is an amazing group of parents who help to fund many events and purchases for the Dance Department, including guest teachers, field trips, dance tours, equipment, and much more. If you would like to donate to the Parent Boosters or become a member of the Parent Boosters, please contact them here!
Tax Credits
Extra Curricular Activity Tax Credits are a great way to pay for fees or show support for our dance program while getting credit on your taxes. This program allows for a dollar-for-dollar return on your investment into our program through taxes, up to $200 for a single person, or $400 for a couple filing jointly. The dance program is able to use these funds in many ways and helps keep the dancers focused on dancing. For more information or to make a tax credit donation, click on the link.
Support My Club
Support My Club allows high school clubs and sports to post their needs and donors to support them. All donations are 100% tax-deductible. The way the program works is: 1) Our department chose items we felt we could benefit from this year, 2) You fulfill requests that inspire you, 3) Our club holds community service events in gratitude for your donation. The dancers are always so excited to see items come in, not only because we get to use the new items right away, but because we always have a great time serving in our community, as well!
We're still getting this set up for 2022-2023, but look for an update soon!